"J.Z. Knight Starring as RAMTHA"

Dimensions: 30"x34"
$300 (Shipping included!) / $250 (Picked up!)
Medium: Acrylic & latex on wood.

Judy Zebra Knight of Yelm, WA is the reputed channel of a spiritual entity named Ramtha. According to Ramtha, he was a Lemurian warrior who fought the Atlanteans over 35,000 years ago. Ramtha speaks of leading an army over 2.5 million strong (more than twice the estimated world population at about 30,000 BC) for 63 years, and conquering three fourths of the known world (which was going through cataclysmic geological changes). According to Ramtha, he led the army for ten years until he was betrayed and almost killed. Both Knight and Ramtha are concerned about the health of your bladder. NO JOKE!

This painting is part of the show: The Alligator, the Crocodile, Laughs, Lies & Some Great Things of the State of Washington at the Crocodile in Seattle, WA.

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If you don't love this price, try haggling!

Thanks a whole lot, you're the best: Kerri Harrop, Eli Anderson, Lacey Swain, Ruben Mendez, Sarah Moody, Pete Capponi, Rachel Byrd, Timothy Rysdyke, Jessica Oliver, Cienna Madrid, Grant Brissey, Travis Ritter, Julia Rickert, Emily Nokes, Tim Cook & YOU YOU YOU.