"The Woman With Bird Earrings"

Dimensions: 29"x41"
$300 (Shipping included) / $250 (Picked up!)
Medium: Acrylic & latex on wood.

Mature bears tend to eat only the calorie-rich skin and blubber of the seal, whereas younger bears consume the protein-rich red meat. Studies have also photographed polar bears scaling near-vertical cliffs, to eat birds' chicks and eggs. I am eating so much fried chicken as I type this. I have the worst stomach ache now.

This painting is part of the show: The Alligator, the Crocodile, Laughs, Lies & Some Great Things of the State of Washington at the Crocodile in Seattle, WA.

You can request a variation of this
painting in regards to size, color
and image by using the contact page.

Colors on all of these paintings may
vary slightly. Use the contact page
if you're particular about that sort of thing.

If you don't love this price, try haggling!

Thanks a whole lot, you're the best: Kerri Harrop, Eli Anderson, Lacey Swain, Ruben Mendez, Sarah Moody, Pete Capponi, Rachel Byrd, Timothy Rysdyke, Jessica Oliver, Cienna Madrid, Grant Brissey, Travis Ritter, Julia Rickert, Emily Nokes, Tim Cook & YOU YOU YOU.