Mr. bona_riah, I very much enjoy your profile. It is consistently amusing, and I look forward to seeing what you will do next. I considered sending you an IM, but decided that I did not want to run the risk of becoming your next victim. I also enjoy your paintings (the pictures of them at least). Do you ever participate in art shows? I have only lived in Chicago for two weeks and I would love to go to a good art show. I'm very curious to know more about you; most MOC people are so dumb. How old are you? What do you do with your time (other than paint and chat)? I am 21 and originally from New Orleans. I start school at DePaul in the autumn. Anthropology is my major. I am not currently on MOC, but I will be as soon as I acquire a suitable picture of myself. Write me back if you are so inclined. Sincerely, Alice Derek, Thank you for responding. I am unable to come to your house this evening, as I have a prior commitment. Also, I would be worried that you are some sort of serial murderer. I think that I would like to meet you in a public place first. Maybe at the 'Goldstar Bar.' You still didn't tell me your age. Your Friend, Dearest Alice Derek, How was your BBQ? Did you have a lot of people over? Was fun had by all? What did you cook? I'm curious to know if you are a vegetarian or not. I like your new profile. I assume that the new picture is of you. If it isn't, please inform me. Do you always have so many dirty dishes at your house? Although the conversation is rather long, I read the entire thing. Would it be safe for me to IM you? You won't tease me will you? Let me know what times you are most often chatting, and I shall write. Please don't take this question the wrong way, but do you have a serious girlfriend? I'm really just curious, but when you ask someone a question like that, they might get ideas. Also, what is your favorite band or bands? Best Wishes, Alice J.