My birthday is December 6th. My address is 1208 s. Donovan, Seattle WA 98108. Here are the things that I'd like. Please send them to me. THANKS A LOT!
Records: "Dandruff" LP Ivor Cutler, "Outdoor Miner" 7" Wire, "Where Were You" 7" The Mekons, "Modern Life Is Rubbish" LP Blur, "Marquis Cha-Cha" 7" The Fall
Paper Mate Flair Felt-Tip Pens (medium point - black), Letraset Rub On Letters
(black, good fonts), Vans Checkered black & white slip-on shoes (size 9)
HP Laserjet 1200 printer toner, "Forever" postage stamps, stretch
gloves, expensive chocolates (Fran's encouraged), AA Batteries, 2011 Calandar,
Coffee (whole bean, the good stuff).
Gift Cards: Zappos, Amazon, Dick Blick, Safeway Most important: handmade cards, paintings, drawings, haikus, poems, photgraphs, etc.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you would like to come to my birthday party, it will be at here at 8pm. This is not a joke, come and eat pho with me.