Saturday, August
14th 2010 6pm - 11pm | Fortune Hot Dogs & Gummi Bears | Rap Master Maurice
| Erdman Videos (Erdflix)
Music By Odd Obsession DJs | Mountains Of Paintings & Drawings At LOW
LOW Prices | Special Guest Artist: James Havran
(He's my cousin!) | Produced By National
Headquarters | Wine & Beer From Printer's
Row Wine Shop
@ The High Concept Laboratories - Chicago, IL | RSVP
For Address (<- press release)
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This is your last chance to buy these paintings in Chicago. Sorry, no pre-sales. Bring cash & checks, try haggling! Just look:
You are on page 2. (Page 1)
Wesley Willis - I Love You Like A Magikist (30"x96") - $250
9/11 Chicago Style (40"x48") - $150
Avoid The Internet (48"x48") - $125
Grocery Store Pig (18"x18") - $50
The Nudge (12"x9") - $30
A Pig On A Balloon (18"x324") - $50
Hey Pooka (Sorry RG) (24"x40") - $75
Darrell Porter (24"x24")
- $75
Putney Swope (30"x48") - $125
Tragedy In Dessert City (30"x48") - $200
FRISKY! (48"x48") - $125
Allah Akbar! No! Let's Roll! (96"x96") - $200
You Are Michael Jackson's Doctor - $200
Most of these paintings will be there! And even more.
Most of these paintings will be there! And even more.
Most of these paintings will be there! And even more.
Most of these paintings will be there! And even more.
Most of these paintings will be there! And even more.
Alexander Graham Bell (36"x36") - NFS (Doug Stephen Collection)