Derek Erdman related information from some Dutch website.


Street Art

This appears in the United States street art to be:

(Misery that in the Netherlands no onbemande kiosks more to find be, for otherwise had I now an amusing plannetje...)


Reactions what kind of plan net? Tell.. Eugene | 07.26.03 - 3:56 am | #

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What you thought of çUllrich wins Tourç or something of the kind? Onno | Homepage | 07.26.03 - 8:32 am | #

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Such 'Bush assassinated' -joke appears me in the U.S. really free risicovol for your social position. Carlos | Homepage | 07.26.03 - 8:49 am | #

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You must you travel by train well good erase natural.. Onno | Homepage | 07.26.03 - 9:06 am | #