some pictures hannah woodroofe, some derek erdman:

ohio living room trauma mess (before mess).

we brought paint but hardly used it.

will push you in bed, sometimes smelly.

x-mas tree cutting party haunted barn with knife-burgler (not seen).

making the beasts obvious.

mushy carcass.

KSU mexi-signs (bon food, senior)

ghouls @ the zephyr

awful in kent, 2006 (and infinity)

i lived there and then left.

youngstown ghostville

the house of no laughing

youngstown: so sad weekend afternoon (another weekend afternoon)

making use with what you have

looks good closed (pretty closed)

slow down youngstown!

not the littleton post office

not nearly enough green: pennsylvania

ex-cows, now chickens (cape vincent, new york)

no more milk

there's avacados near here

upstate new york waffles & flowers

this camera is not an apple

cannot eat it

cannot eat them

cannot eat them, can eat what comes out

owned by saint lawrence (SEA WAY, OK!)

vermont: where the money goes to die

new hampshire: the sun does not exist here

"party string"

the nice colors of hannah's father's front yard

we could not visit, he had to send packages

does not take x-ray pictures of your feet

a supposed mountain shrouded in bode miller's mist

most beautiful city USA: providence RI

boat before block island

hey, crew only!

feed them alka-seltzer

block island: rocks with white spots

you have to eat food

a view from the sky-plane

we are big moby fans

i can dance if i want to

we danced

i rode it SO FAST (the bluffs of mohigan)

not a mansion on mansion beach

i watched the lady from the philippines

i had to go on the beach

hannah watched it alone

very important wire

good for rocks, dead stuff, birds, shells

worth whatever the market will bare.

beacon sighted through MEGA PIXELS/PRETZELS

this is the house where we stayed. the keys are under the door mat. you can stay there too.

on the telephone she said: "my buttocks, my arms, my torso, my arms" (on the boat back)

connecticut: in the way (traffic, insurance, fleece jackets)

new jersey: home of the $30 sandwiches

ohio: guarding the teenagers

flower parts: how they "do it"

kent halloween: ghouls & hats

she proclaimed TOWEL HEADS, YOU ARE FUCKING TOWEL HEADS (uh-oh, they are sheets)

bad nurse, good ghost


stuck in ohio forever and ever

the ghost and the doctor

not "kill the hippies" so who cares?

they used to sell pizza pieces here

tom skelley's triumphant return

jesse camp & water street kidz

back in jail (did not pass go)

keeping 'em blurry

that's good timing


a sheet is not a disguise

mother of ruddy

later to get hit by a bus, perhaps (we drove home)