05/22 Louisville KY (5pm Clifton
05/23 Memphis TN (5pm Cooper Young / Goner Records)
05/25 Chattanooga TN (5pm Frazier & Forrest)
05/26 Atlanta GA (5pm Club 529)
05/28 Savannah GA (tba)
05/29 Columbia SC (5pm Five Points-ish)
05/30 Raleigh NC (5pm CAM Benches)
06/01 Philadelphia PA (5pm South Street)
06/02 Brooklyn NY (4pm Bushwick)
06/05 Akron OH (4pm Square Records)
Similar to the small regional tours
taken by independent bands in the
1980s, I'm visiting 10 or 11 cities in the south and northeast in a very
short amount of time, with a hope of being received by a small but
enthusiastic group of people in every town.
Each stop will feature an unsanctioned
showing of paintings and books
on the street, either on a unused wooden wall, a park bench, a parking
lot, in the woods, back of a Publix etc.
I plan on figuring out the specifics
of each place when we arrive.
I've made a total of 120 paintings, each show will have 8-12 paintings,
plus copies of the Great Gatsby in all caps and a new zine called
Those Fun Nuns.
Each show and the entire tour will
be documented by
photographer Ashley
Armitage for a future book.
More info can be found here:
or on iGram here: @derekerdman
Feel free to contact me at or 773-595-9708.
Thank you, Derek