chatting is dumb, but you should know that already.
all subjects attacked from profiles on
derekerdman: hi!
BarbieDynamite: hi
derekerdman: do you like to party?
BarbieDynamite: sometimes
derekerdman: dude! rad!
derekerdman: I'm totally on some drugs!
BarbieDynamite: uh huh
BarbieDynamite: are you sXe or something
derekerdman: I wrote to ask you a favor.
BarbieDynamite: right
BarbieDynamite: what's that
derekerdman: you live in Madison sometimes right?
BarbieDynamite: yeah
derekerdman: I was wondering if you could take some grass up there for me.
derekerdman: you'll make some good money.
derekerdman: and you can keep what you want.
BarbieDynamite: is this a joke?
derekerdman: no way dude!
derekerdman: and don't tell anyone!
derekerdman: I could get in trouble!
BarbieDynamite: right
derekerdman: so, what do you think?
derekerdman: I'll pay you $3000.
BarbieDynamite: haha right
derekerdman: you don't believe me, do you?
BarbieDynamite: nope
derekerdman: dude, I'm drowning in weed, dude!
derekerdman: there's weed up to my knees!
derekerdman: come over, and we'll party, and then I'll give you the money
and the pot and you can drive it up to Madison.
BarbieDynamite: you don't have to preach your sXe ness in a sarcastic way
i don't find you entertaining... perhaps whoever you're trying to impress
does though
BarbieDynamite: seriously fuck you
derekerdman: dude, are you a narc?
derekerdman: dude, I was totally joking.
BarbieDynamite: go to hell you fucking loser
derekerdman: oh, dear.
BarbieDynamite: bye
derekerdman: no!
derekerdman: I love you!
derekerdman: let's party!
BarbieDynamite: why are you still talking? you're not funny
derekerdman: I'm totally funny!
derekerdman: and, I'm totally tripping balls!
derekerdman: whoa, trails!
BarbieDynamite: not really.... it's too obvious you're trying to entertain
people so trying to make me look stupid isn't working you're just making yourself
look ridicuous
derekerdman: whoa!
derekerdman: you're totally right!
derekerdman: I'm a total idiot!
BarbieDynamite: yep
derekerdman: but,
derekerdman: all the people that I'm entertaining agree,
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