This is where Mekons
sleep, this is a nice hotel room. There are 99 pillows on each bed! There was
a pool here but I did
not get to use it. Downstairs was a lot of breakfast food for $10, I ate so
much bacon.
This is the cover
art for the next Mekons record. It is going to be called "Snacks Or Wee".
That is funny!
Jon & Rico made
this for me. You can buy it for $100, unless Jon or Rico are reading this.
In that case it's not for sale, unless they stop reading this and then it is
for sale again.
This is Mekons in
the morning. Nobody is grumpy in this band, everybody is very friendly. Jon
is carrying his clown suit, he had a gig the night before.
He is a John Wayne Gacy impersonator who goes to different towns to shake the
hands of Roslynn Carter impersonators, this is true!
This is Sarah &
Susie & the Grunge Teenager at the Picador in Iowa City. Later he sold everybody
in sight a lot of cocaine,
I am just joking. He is just a youth in Iowa, ouch. Time to move away, dummy!
I am kidding, Iowa is exciting.
Here are Mekons
at the Illinois rest stop. A lot of people ate from a Mexican restaurant here
called Mr. Fish Taco, it was gross.
I ate an old ham sandwich. I WILL EAT OLDHAM SANDWICH. Ok, I am tired.
Here are Mekons
at the Thai restaurant. Thai food comes from Taiwan, NOBODY LIKES THAT JOKE!
I had the soup, it was tasty.
This restaurant is called Thai Flavors, that is a dumb name. The service here
is slow, I will make a rap for them right
This is me &
some merch, I am good at this job. I give the correct change and tell customers
that all of the merchandise is of high quality.
Sometimes I have to pee and I leave the table and there is less to sell when
I get back. Mekons talk about Socialism a lot, so I gave
some of the merch away because I don't know a lot about Socialism, but it seems
like that is what I should do.
Here is the Iowa
City set list, all of these songs were good. Sally told the crowd about Rap
Master Maurice but nobody cared.
They did not play Where
Were You, I kept yelling for it but they were like, "PIPE DOWN BACK
Here is Jon eating
a big bowl of melted cheese at a Wisconsin rest stop, he is also drinking cheese
The truck behind him is carrying cheese, etc. There were some clean cheese bathrooms
Here are setlists.
This picture was taken back stage in Madison, WI. I stole all of the herbal
tea from here and gave it to Susie.
Here are pants and
masks at the Barrymore Theatre in
Madison, WI. I would describe the staff here as "just ok".
Here is a mouse!
He is in Wisconsin because there is a lot of cheese there, duh.
Here is a moose!
That word is close to mouse, and he is orange.
I took this picture
and was look, "look, now I am Eggleston" and then a guy was like,
"how much is this CD" and I was like, "oh, I am not Eggleston
Here is the outside
of the Barrymore in Madison, WI. Next to this is a Laotian restaurant that gave
me a metal spoon
because they were out of plastic spoons and when I went to return it they were
closed so I threw it at this sign and it
hit the "r" in Gary Louris, which then fell off, so then it just said
Here is the Mekon
Cheese Lunch Stop. Steve Goulding is wiping his mouth, he played drums on the
original versions of
Watching The Detectives and Let's Go To Bed, which is like WHOA. Everybody here
is eating and drinking cheese.
You can read about him here.
Here he is packing the van, I am just taking the pictures, so lazy.
LU does not eat snacks, he smells them!
Here are some masks
from The Barrymore in Madison. They are made of wood and appear to be very heavy.
Here is a view from
The Edgewater of Lake Mendota. I put my foot on the ice but it went through.
Derek #2 said that's where Otis Redding died and his
body was never found, but he is WRONG & WRONG. Click for giant panaroma,
Here is The Edgewater
in Madison, WI. It is the BEST HOTEL EVER! Elvis slept here and then died, I
will die eventually,
eventually die, oh wow.
This is Alissa
Anderson & THE KING. Alissa & me were a merch-hurricane, we sold
so many mountains of merch. That guy is called THE KING because he has
a long sleeved black Public Enemy sweatshirt on and a jacket with a Dead Moon
patch on it. ALSO HE IS DRINKING BLOOD. He was at the
Tornado Lounge later and he sat across the table from me but I don't know what
he said because I had 999 vodka & sodas + 11 shrimp cocktails,
which means: MEMORY ERASER.
This is the setlist
from St. Paul, MN, I think. Man, I dunno.
Here are Mekons
live on Minnesota Public Radio. Everything in this building was giant and new
and automatic and perfect and expensive. When NPR has a pledge drive
and they say they need money, do not give them any because they will just spend
it on a 50' computer screen in their lobby that lists their programming schedule.
AM NO DUMMY. I will spend NPR pledge money on snacks.
Mekons at The Fitzgerald
Theater. There were so many snacks at this magical place. F. Scott Fitzgerald
was from
St. Paul. He was a boozer that people look up to. Aspiring writers are like,
"OH, SO ROMANTIC", oh brother.
Here is a picture
of people eating the snacks, I am sorry it is blurry. 2nd from the left is Mary
Lucia Westerberg, she is like Adult Punky Brewster.
Here is Jon &
Sarah with Greil Marcus! Whether on land or the high seas, Greil is the captain
of the steam ship SS NOT VERY FRIENDLY.
Here are buildings
in St. Paul. I said to a person, "I've never been to Minneapolis before!"
and he said, "Well, you're not quite there yet!" and I was like,
"OH REALLY, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?". That person was mad! There was
a bridge collapse here, or in the other city.
Here I am asleep
under the Garrison Keillor banner. Later I told a person, "I fell asleep
under the Garrison Keillor banner" and then another person
said, "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MR. KEILLOR?". I was like, "OH,
JEEZ". They sent me to Anoka for re-programming.
Here is Lu sleeping
in the van. When I laugh sometimes I clap and I did that and Lu woke up and
said "STOP CLAPPING", so I did.
Thanks for looking at my website.